Turning Pennies into dollars: Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (OTC BB:APDN)
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Apr 13, 2009 - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (OTC BB:APDN.OB), aprovider of DNA security solutions, announced that it haslaunched a uniquewoven garment label based on its SigNature® DNAanti-counterfeittechnology. Woven labels are high-profile brand carriers,and offer anexcellent vehicle for brand protection.
Protected by patents and proprietary trade secrets, SigNatureDNA provides:
Marketed as Nil-Secure/SigNature DNA, this revolutionarywoven label hasbeen developed in collaboration with three partners: NilornUK, BrandWatchTechnologies (Portland, OR) and Addmaster (UK). Now, brandowners have apro-active solution in their arsenal to deter counterfeitersand maintainthe highest quality standards in every product sold.
"It's what brand owners need right now -- our label is absolutelysecure,reliable and can be authenticated quickly," Steve Ablett,ManagingDirector, Nilorn UK. "Top apparel and brands can take theissue ofcounterfeiting into their own hands by staying innovativeand utilizing theworld's best security solutions."
Hundreds of millions of garment counterfeits are in themarket. Few of theauthentic, original garments actually integrate brand securitymeasures.Standard apparel holograms on garment hang-tags are easilycopied and inmost cases cannot be distinguished from the genuine article.Fake hologramsare turning up everywhere. In the US, the FBI "is awarethat individualsand/or criminal enterprise organizations are actively involvedin theproduction of holograms" (National IP Law Enforcement CoordinationCouncil,2006). The UK counterfeit market is estimated to be aboutGBP 11 billionper year (Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group, 2008) with globalestimates ofover $600 billion per year. China remains the main sourceof counterfeitgoods, with almost 60% of all articles seized originatingfrom that region.
Phil Huff, CEO of BrandWatch Technologies, stated: "Ourtechnicalleadership in UCPs is a perfect complement to SigNatureDNA. Bothtechnologies have been rigorously tested, and proven tobe safe,exceptionally stable, able to withstand multiple launderings,and extremesof pH and temperatures."
Paul Morris, Managing Director of Addmaster, stated, "Thereis always arisk that if you buy a knock-off garment... it could containharmful dyes-- which may be allergenic or even carcinogenic. This isprecisely thereason why the Nil-Secure/SigNature DNA woven label is needed.Consumersneed to know that what they are wearing is safe and it isguaranteed to bethe official garment."
Our Partners
Nilorn UK is part of the Nilorn Group, a global company,established in the1970s, with expertise in adding value to brands throughbranding and designin the form of labels, packaging and accessories, principallyfor customersin the fashion and ready-to-wear industry.
BrandWatch(TM) Technologies is a worldwide supplier of inorganicup-converting phosphor taggants. BrandWatch(TM) productssignificantlyreduce counterfeiting and diversion by supplying productsand services thatwill quickly and efficiently authenticate all genuine versions.
Addmaster is Europe's leading supplier of performance additivesfor a widerange of applications and industries. Addmaster's advancedproducts arebeing used by many of the world's industry leaders in theplastics, paper,paint, textile and coating industries.
About APDN
APDN sells patented DNA security solutions to protect products,brands andintellectual property from counterfeiting and diversion.SigNature DNA is abotanical mark used to authenticate products in a uniquemanner thatessentially cannot be copied. APDN also provides BioMaterialGenoTyping™ bydetecting genomic DNA in natural materials to authenticatefinishedproducts. Both technologies protect brands and productsin a wide range ofindustries and provide a forensic chain of evidence thatcan be used toprosecute perpetrators. To learn more, go to www.adnas.com.
The statements made by APDN may be forward-looking in natureand are madepursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private SecuritiesLitigationReform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements describeAPDN's futureplans, projections, strategies and expectations, and arebased onassumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties,many of whichare beyond the control of APDN. Actual results could differmaterially fromthose projected due to our short operating history, limitedfinancialresources, limited market acceptance, market competitionand various otherfactors detailed from time to time in APDN's SEC reportsand filings,including our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed on December16, 2008 andour subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. APDN undertakesnoobligation to update publicly any forward-looking statementsto reflect newinformation, events or circumstances after the date hereofto reflect theoccurrence of unanticipated events.
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