Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Information Architects Corp. (OTC:IACH)

Turning Pennies into dollars: Information Architects Corp. (OTC:IACH)

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April 13, 2009 - Architects Corp. (Other OTC:IACH.PK) announcedrecently that, effective April 15, 2009, William Craig, througha Consulting contract, will assume the role of Acting ChiefExecutive Officer (ACEO) as well as Acting Chairman of theBoard of Directors. Steve Adelstein, who has been servingthe Company as CEO and Director since September 16, 2008,will resign both positions as of this press release.

William Craig, ACEO, states, ``It is now time for the shareholdersto unite and help IA bring back shareholder value. We appreciateSteve's contribution to the company during his short tenureand for assisting us in positioning the company to undertakea new business strategy going forward.'' Craig will be bringingmany professionals to help as officers, directors, auditorsand legal aid to assist IA back on a fast track to profitsand shareholder value.

Mr. Craig continued, ``IA needs to look at individual's sharesas an ownership position in IACH. As an owner, the individualcan be part of the marketing of all of the new productsof IACH. Inform friends, family, brokers, neighbors andco-workers about IA because networking is key. All ownersshould be communicating with everyone on their emails andphone books. Within the next 30 days, IA will be settingup a web site, which will request input for the companyfrom all present and future shareholders. This web siteis designed for many potential ideas. If an individual hasa company or knows someone that does that would into thepuzzle of IA, do not hesitate to leave suggestions on themessage boards about it. All ideas will be welcomed. IAis concerned with what will benefit the company and whatwill help maintain shareholder value. IA encourages allshareholders to partake in the growth of the company, sincethey directly benefit from the success of the company. Furthermore,IA will set up an incentive program for those ideas thatwill help with the escalation of the company.''

``Forward-looking statements'' as defined in the Private SecuritiesLitigation Reform Act of 1995 may be included in this newsrelease. These statements relate to future events or ourfuture financial performance. These statements are onlypredictions and may differ materially from actual futureresults or events. Information Architects Corporation disclaimsany intention or obligation to revise any forward-lookingstatements whether as a result of new information, futuredevelopments or otherwise. There are important risk factorsthat could cause actual results to differ from those containedin forward-looking statements, including, but not limitedto risks associated with changes in general economic andbusiness conditions (including in the information technologyand financial information industry), actions of our competitors,the extent to which we are able to develop new servicesand markets for our services, the time and expense involvedin such development activities, the level of demand andmarket acceptance of our services, changes in our businessstrategies, and the purchasing activity or lack thereofby registered web mall members.


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